India Feb/Mar 2017
About the Bible MIssion Work in India
India is an incredibly diverse nation – 13 times larger than the UK and with a population of over 1.2 billion. It is estimated that there are over three thousand languages in use throughout the country. This makes the task ahead for the Bible Society incredibly challenging.
It is already providing God’s Word in 135 different languages, but there is an urgent need for the Scriptures to be made available in more languages. Throughout India, teams of translators are currently working on translating the Bible into a further 19 languages. For the last four years, work has been undertaken to translate the Old Testament (a New Testament already exists but is in need of revision). The process is slow and painstaking – with the drafting being done by hand. The most demanding task is still ahead – all the texts have to be digitised and the typesetting is likely to take a further two years.
More details soon!

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