"Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!” Psalm 150:6


DECLARE is a Bible proclamation movement that celebrates the restoration of the public reading of God’s Word by Christian communities across nations and generations.

In the first 3 years since 2017, DECLARE began as an intergenerational Arts & Family event held at the Bible House at Fort Canning in Singapore. Over the pandemic years this expanded online to involve over 50 nations & 150 local languages. As we gather from different tribes and traditions, we come to unite in one voice on a common foundation – the Word of God – to bear witness to God’s light of truth and love in a dark and despairing world.

DECLARE is organised by the Arts Collective, a ministry of The Bible Society of Singapore, and is supported by Elijah 7000.

DECLARE featured in W@W

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How is DECLARE Organised?

There are different tracks organised for international and local participants.

International participants may sign up as groups representing a nation or region and pre-select a book / books to declare in recorded video format, or on Zoom livestream at the scheduled time. Local participants may register for a Day and will receive an allocated passage at the local venue.

80-hour Event over 3 Weeks

  • Week 1 Reading: Fri 24 May, 5pm – Sat 25 May, 7pm (SGT)
  • Week 2 Reading: Fri 31 May, 5pm – Sat 1 Jun, 7pm (SGT)
  • Week 3 Reading: Fri 7 Jun, 5pm – Sat 8 Jun, 5pm (SGT)