Bicentennial Bible Mission Fund

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” –John 1:14
For donations via PayNow, please use your mobile banking app to scan the PayNow QR Code or key in BSS UEN No.: S70SS0023A.
Please indicate <Your Name> followed by <BBMF> “Bicentennial Bible Mission Fund” in the reference field.
For further enquiries you may send email to:

(At the back of the cheque, please indicate “BBMF")
For bank transfer, following are the details:
• Account Name: The Bible Society of Singapore
• Account Number: 581-834306-001
• Bank Name: OCBC
Bicentennial Bible Mission Fund | 30-Sep-23 |
Cash and Cheque | $192,887.59 |
Direct Deposit | $116,421.91 |
Credit Card | $11,520.00 |
Total: | $320,829.50 |
Heartiest greetings from The Bible Society of Singapore!
July was a full and fruitful month for The Bible Society of Singapore as we commemorated the bicentennial of the Bible Mission in Singapore with the Bible Mission Banquet. The Bible Mission in Singapore started in 1823 with the distribution of 1,000 Chinese New Testament Bibles to the first Chinese settlers. For the past 200 years, our Society has worked with sister Bible Societies and evangelical communities regionally in pioneering the Bible Mission and advancing the Bible cause. Singapore has been the regional hub for Bible translation and printing projects since the 19th century.
We are privileged to have had Minister Desmond Lee, Minister for National Development & Minister-in-charge of Social Services Integration, regional and global mission leaders, donors, supporters, volunteers and dear friends of the Bible Mission grace the occasion with their presence. The official launch of the World Chinese Christianity Alliance (WCCA)—where the Bible Society is one of the founding members of this global missional platform under the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) to reach out to all Chinese communities across the globe—was also held in conjunction with the Bible Mission Banquet.
Amidst the preparations for these events, we are thankful for God’s faithfulness and provision, as well as for the partnerships of various donors such as yourself. All donations for the celebration will contribute towards the Bicentennial Bible Mission Fund (BBMF), which will be channelled towards Bible translation, distribution, engagement and advocacy, and holistic ministries that involve humanitarian and charity causes. It is your generosity that enables us to carry out the Bible Mission in Singapore and beyond.
As we approach the new year, we invite you to continue to partner with us through your giving and prayers, so that we may allow God’s light and hope to reach more people!
We thank God for you and for your steadfast partnership in the Bible Mission.
Shining forth Thy Word with you,
Rev. Ezekiel Tan
General Secretary
For further enquiries you may send email to: