亲眼见你 My Eye Sees You Code: BCCF22 许世和 Hue Seik Hoe 卫理公会大巴窑礼拜堂 Toa Payoh Chinese Methodist Church 甲骨文 Oracle script 76cm x 175cm $800 约伯记 42:5 我从前风闻有你, 现在亲眼看见你。 Job 42:5 I had heard you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you. Fill in the form if you like to purchase and contribute to the Bible Mission. 填写表格购买作品,支持圣经宣教。 您的姓名 Your name 您的电邮 Your email 作品编号 Code of artwork 联系号码 Contact number Δ