慕溪 Panteth for the water 编号:BCCF-2442 潘少琼 Amber Phoen Siu Kieng 水墨画 Ink Wash Painting 52cm x 72cm $1,000 诗篇 42:1 上帝啊,我的心切慕你,如鹿切慕溪水。 Psalms 42:1 As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. Fill in the form if you like to purchase and contribute to the Bible Mission. 填写表格购买作品,支持圣经宣教。 您的姓名 Your name 您的电邮 Your email 作品编号 Code of artwork 联系号码 Contact number Δ