For donations via PayNow, please use your mobile banking app to scan the PayNow QR Code or key in BSS UEN No.: S70SS0023A.
Please indicate <Your Name> followed by <ISR-PS> “Israel-Palestine” in the reference field.
For further enquiries you may send email to:


请通过您的银行应用程序扫描PayNow二维码或输入BSS UEN No.: S70SS0023A,在备注栏中注明您的姓名和”ISR-PS”。


Cheque donations can be addressed to: The Bible Society of Singapore, 7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Singapore 179932.
(At the back of the cheque, please indicate “ISR-PS")

For bank transfer, following are the details:

•    Account Name: The Bible Society of Singapore
•    Account Number: 581-834306-001
•    Bank Name: OCBC

支票抬头:The Bible Society of Singapore
地址: 7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Singapore 179932.
(支票背后请注明 “ISR-PS") 

帐户名称: The Bible Society of Singapore
账号: 581-834306-001
收款银行: OCBC 

Providing respite to people caught in a vicious war

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. —Psalm 46:1 (ESV)

With the Lord’s grace, we have obtained a permit from the Commissioner of Charities (COC) to proceed with fundraising for humanitarian relief for the victims in Israel and Palestinian territories. As the Bible Society works towards bringing much-needed aid and supplies, such as food, clothing, blankets, medical supplies, and other essentials to those affected by the unrelenting war between Israel and Hamas, we appeal for your support to provide comfort and relief to people whose lives have been forever changed by the ongoing conflict.

The terrorist attack on 7th October marked the start of a brutal and deadly bloodbath between Israel and Hamas that has killed more than 10,000 people in just over a month, most of whom were innocent civilians. Graphic videos of the wounded and the dead have become ever-present across various social media platforms, further painting a grim picture of the situation on the ground. Those who are still alive—Israeli and Palestinian alike—in the battlefield aren’t faring much better either. With critical infrastructure like hospitals being cut off, those who require urgent medical care are unable to do so.

“The people living in Israeli settlements near the Gaza strip like Zikim have been badly affected and traumatised by the war, especially the kids. They are also in need of warm clothes as winter is fast approaching,” said Victor Kalisher, Executive Director of Bible Society in Israel. On the other side of the Gaza strip, the situation isn’t much better either. “Food is scarce in the [Gaza] strip, so we hope to be able to continue to buy and distribute food,” said Nashat Filmon, Executive Director of the Palestinian Bible Society. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian families on the other side of the strip have also been displaced as they scramble to safety, with many Christians among these Palestinian families.

  • More than 4k deaths aged 18 and under
  • More than 260k buildings damaged
  • More than 18k airstrikes

This fundraising aims to raise US$200,000 or more to send urgent supplies to Israeli and Palestinian families alike who are hanging by a thread in the wake of a war. We’re working closely with partner churches, corporations, and individuals to coordinate and remit collected funds to the Bible Society in Israel (BSI), Palestinian Bible Society (PBS), Arab-Israeli Bible Society (AIBS), and World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) to provide humanitarian assistance and God’s Word to the afflicted on the actual grounds. We appeal to you to prayerfully consider contributing to these relief efforts—every donation, however big or small, could potentially save a life.

COC Permit no. 0072/2023







  • 超过400018岁及以下儿童死亡 
  • 超过26万栋建筑被毁 
  • 超过1.8万次空袭 

本次筹款活动旨在筹集20万美元或更多资金,为以色列和巴勒斯坦家庭送去紧急物资,这些家庭在这场毫无缓和迹象的战争中岌岌可危。我们将与伙伴教会、机构和相关人士密切合作,协调并将捐款汇给以色列圣经公会(BSI)、巴勒斯坦圣经公会 (PBS)、阿拉伯以色列圣经公会(AIBS)和世界福音联盟(WEA),为当地受难者提供人道主义援助和圣经。我们恳请您在祷告中考虑为这些救援工作捐款--每一笔捐款,无论大小,都有可能挽救生命。 



For donations via PayNow, please use your mobile banking app to scan the PayNow QR Code or key in BSS UEN No.: S70SS0023A.
Please indicate <Your Name> followed by <ISR-PS> “Israel-Palestine” in the reference field.
For further enquiries you may send email to:


请通过您的银行应用程序扫描PayNow二维码或输入BSS UEN No.: S70SS0023A,在备注栏中注明您的姓名和”ISR-PS”。

Cheque donations can be addressed to: The Bible Society of Singapore, 7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Singapore 179932.
(At the back of the cheque, please indicate “ISR-PS")

For bank transfer, following are the details:

•    Account Name: The Bible Society of Singapore
•    Account Number: 581-834306-001
•    Bank Name: OCBC

支票抬头:The Bible Society of Singapore
地址: 7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Singapore 179932.
(支票背后请注明 “ISR-PS") 

帐户名称: The Bible Society of Singapore
账号: 581-834306-001
收款银行: OCBC