Laos Bible Mission Trip: Reflections
This article was originally posted in our June 2019 Word@Work.
Laos Bible Mission Trip: Reflections
Neo Chun Choon, Participant Bible Mission Trip to Laos, 27 Sept-1Oct 2018
When I was told that I would be joining a customised Bible Mission Trip to Laos, I initially had some reservations. It was my first time to Laos, and my knowledge of the country was severely limited; it was also my first time on a Bible Mission Trip. By God’s unfathomable grace and mercy, my experience on this trip was fruitful and edifying in several ways. I would simply like to highlight two:
God’s hand of providence and leading was clearly perceived from start to end. The team was blessed with good weather throughout the trip, contrary to the predictions of heavy rainfall we received before we set off for Laos. The types of activities for two care centres we were to visit—one of them having over 200 children and orphans—and their duration had to be planned meticulously. Yet some of the best and most suitable ideas implemented were borne out of discussions just the night before our first visit.
The simple faith of the Laotian Christians reminded me of what was most fundamental in Christian faith and practice. Christians in Laos live under close scrutiny, are not materially well off, and face a general lack of training resources compared to many other countries. It was a humbling and instructive moment therefore when we visited one of the minority tribe churches and had the privilege to worship with them on Sunday: they took whatever they were given, and with great thankfulness worshiped the Lord and served Him with all their heart and might. It was a simple faith with a mighty force that could be felt, and it caused me to wonder: in our context of abundance back home, do our lives, thoughts, speech and plans really say “God is enough”?
Truly, the Lord works in mysterious ways to perform wonders. I am thankful for the opportunity to witness something of what God is doing in Laos, and also the love of the team members to God through their love and service, both within the team and to the Laotians. It is my prayer too that God will continue to grow and establish His people in both countries in the most holy faith, to the praise and glory of His grace."