- 行程概览Overview
- 旅程表Itinerary
- 如何注册此次旅程How to Register
- 条款和条件Terms & Conditions
- 常问问题FAQ
- 签证Visa
- 付款选项Payment Options
2. 行走耶稣走过的路
3. 到拿撒勒看耶稣孩童时生活、成长、做木匠的地方
4. 到加百农会堂回顾耶稣在那里所行的事
5. 在加利利湖岸回想耶稣如何呼召门徒
6. 亲身体验耶稣与门徒乘船渡过加利利湖的情景
7. 感受耶稣复活后与门徒在岸边享用彼得鱼的情景
8. 伸手触摸约但河水,见证耶稣洗礼的地方
9. 亲临耶路撒冷圣殿山
10. 在哭墙祷告
11. 去伯利恒聆听天使报佳音,看一看弥赛亚诞生的地方
12. 走进耶路撒冷旧城,寻访耶稣与门徒享用最后晚餐的楼房
13. 和耶稣在橄榄山祷告
14. 行走耶稣背十架走过的苦路
15. 逛当地的集市,体验以色列人的生活。

撒利亚*, 拿撒勒村*, 八福山, 迦百农, 加利利海(乘船), 马萨达*, 恩戈蒂*, 昆兰废墟*, 圣殿山, 西墙, 大卫王城市*(希西家水道), 橄榄山, 客西马尼园, 苦路*, 花园墓地
尼波山, 伯特拉*, 瓦迪拉姆*
日期:12月2日 - 13日2019
费用: ≥25pax: $5,190*
≥35pax: $4,790*
1包括机场和燃油税新币$620 (as at 1月1日2019)。如果税有增长,团员得付增长的费用。
注册截止日期: 9月30日2019
如需查询或注册, 请致电(65) 6304 3762, 微信(65)8424 7072 或 info@ibex.sg。
敬请留意, 询问圣经圣地之旅及付款需前往总部。
地址:7 Armenian Street, Bible House #B2-02, Singapore 179932

乘船游览加利利海Sea of Galilee (Boat Ride)



圣墓教堂Church of Holy Sepulchre

尼波山Mount Nebo

西墙Western Wall

新加坡樟宜机场Changi Airport
第1天:星期一, 12月2日
往程航班: TK55 SIN-IST 2340-0615

凯撒利亚Caesarea Maritima
第2天:星期二, 12月3日
中转航班: TK784 IST-TLV 0745-0850
早上抵达以色列以色列,随即开始您的旅程。由地中海沿岸向北出发,首先参观 凯撒利亚Caesarea Maritima*,探寻大希律王时期所建造的古罗马港口。结束一天旅程后,入住酒店。

拿撒勒村Nazareth Village
第3天:星期三, 12月4日
早上参观拿撒勒村Nazareth Village* 。 这是一座根据遗址还原的露天博物馆,重现了耶稣时代的村庄生活。 下一站参观建于所罗门时期的哈米吉多顿Tel-Megiddo*,探寻亚哈王的隧道(王上22:39) 。 下一站前往迦密山Mount Carmel,欣赏耶斯列山谷的全景风光并重温以利亚和巴力假先知的故事。

八福山Mount Beatitudes
第4天:星期四, 12月5日
早上退房后,前往参观纪念耶稣所行的第一个神迹——变水为酒的迦拿婚宴堂Cana, the Wedding Church 。下一站到八福山Mount Beatitudes上享受一段静谧时光,并重温登山宝训(太5章) 。 接着参观古老的渔村迦百农Capernaum,耶稣曾在此地行了许多神迹。 之后,参观圣经中纪念耶稣重新坚立彼得的得献心堂St Peter’s Primacy Church (约21:15-19) 和乘船游览加利利海Sea of Galilee (Boat Ride) 。
可选择:参观钻石工厂Diamond Factory

第5天:星期五, 12月6日
早晨过境到约旦 (Sheikh Hussein Bridge)
退房后,经由北部关口前往约旦。 首先到达马达巴Madaba*,观看一幅六世纪的马赛克圣地图。 接下来参观尼波山Mount Nebo 。 如天气晴朗, 可从瞭望台远眺应许之地耶路撒冷城。 继续行程,在晚间抵达佩特拉并入住酒店。

第6天:星期六, 12月7日
今天将探索佩特拉Petra*。这座宏伟古老的玫瑰城市。 您将看到著名的财政部大楼,并了解纳巴泰人的历史。 午餐后,前往瓦地伦Wadi Rum* 。 乘坐吉普车游览约旦的沙漠地区,夜宿贝都因式帐篷酒店。

死海漂浮Dead Sea Float
第7天:星期日 12月8日
早晨过境回以色列 (Arava border crossing)
早上退房后,穿过阿拉巴边界到达以色列。我们将参观马萨达Masada*,感受希律王在死海地区建造的这座古堡的宏伟。 日落前,您可前往酒店附近的海边体验死海漂浮Dead Sea Float 。
早/ 午/ 晚餐

第8天:星期一 ,12月9日
我们今天将游览隐基底自然保护区恩戈蒂En Gedi*,欣赏美丽的绿洲风光。 接着前往Ahava护肤品工厂Ahava Factory Outlet直销店购买该品牌广受欢迎的死海护肤品 。购物后,参观昆兰Qumran*,聆听死海古卷被发现的故事,参观一世纪居住在死海地区的爱色尼人的遗址。 之后游览被认为是耶稣受洗之地的约旦河Jordan River 。

西墙Western Wall
第9天:星期二, 12月10日
清晨,前往位于古城的圣殿山Temple Mount*,这里是犹太人、穆斯林和基督徒最神圣的圣地之一。 接下来参观著名的西墙Western Wall,并用一些时间在这里祷告。 然后参观大卫城并探索希西家水道City of David* 。接下来参观犹太人大屠杀纪念馆 Yad Vashem, 以色列博物馆并观赏那里的耶路撒冷旧城的微缩模型Jerusalem Model 和模型旁边的死海古卷博物馆Shrine of the Book,了解有关死海古卷的信息。

客西马尼园Garden of Gethsemane
第10天:星期三, 12月11日
早上我们将在橄榄山Mount of Olives*观赏旧城的全景, 然后经棕枝主日之路Palm Sunday Path*开始下山,赞美耶稣基督光荣进入耶路撒冷(马太福音21章) 。途中将参观主泣堂 Dominus Flevit Church 。 最后来到山脚下,进入客西马尼园Garden of Gethsemane 。接下来,参观^马哈尼耶胡达市场Mahane Yehuda Market 。您可以在这里购买当地的新鲜农产品和在市场里享用简单的午餐或小吃。午餐后,参观最后晚歺楼Upper Room (Mt Zion) 。从那里出发,步行不远便可抵达*鸡鸣堂St Peter in Gallicantu Church 。
早/ 晚餐^午餐自费

花园墓地Garden Tomb
第11天:星期四, 12月12日
清晨,前往圣安娜教堂Church of St Anne。旁边就是瘸腿的人曾在这里得到医治的毕士大池Pool of Bethesda(约翰福音5章)。接下来,我们会追溯耶稣走过的道路。首先看到传统上被认为是耶稣受彼拉多审问的所在地荆冕堂Ecce Homo的拱门,然后步行穿过苦路Via Dolorosa*,最后到达圣墓教堂Church of Holy Sepulchre。接下来到花园墓地Garden Tomb, 属灵导师将在这里举行圣餐礼。最后,享用告别晚宴(Yad Hashmona - TBC) 。
回程航班: TK789 TLV-IST 2055-0025 (+1day)
中转航班:TK54 IST-SIN 0155-1730
How to Register
- Click on the Sign Up Now button and you will be directed to the registration page.
- To register for Bible Land Tours, please click on the respective category. Choose the tour or trip that you are registering and press Continue.
- Complete the registration form and upload a copy of the Passport ID page for each participant.
- Cheque deposit is required upon registration and balance payment will be collected once the tour is confirmed.
- For participants who are below 21 years, they are required to fill an indemnity form. This is available for download at the CONSENT page.
- Kindly note that all correspondence will be emailed to Participant #1.
- If you have any enquiries on registration or having trouble registering, please contact us at Tel: (65) 6304 3762 or Email: info@ibex.sg.
Please use the latest Chrome/ Firebox browser to proceed your registration.
Please read the following Terms and Conditions or download a copy here.
Participants of the tour are deemed to have read, understood and accepted the following terms and conditions. For the purpose of clarity, ‘International Bible Experiences Pte Ltd’ shall be referred to as “the Company” hereinafter.
When the participant (You) purchase any tours or goods online from the company, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
The Company may change these terms and conditions at any time. Any such changes will take immediate effect when posted on the website, and it is your responsibility to read these terms and conditions on each occasion you use this website.
Bookings will be accepted upon payment of deposit as stated in itinerary. The deposit made forms part of the final payment. However, please note the deposit does not constitute confirmation of the tour. Confirmation of tour is subjected to the minimum group size (as determined by the Company) in order for the confirmation to be effected and for the departure to be finalised.
Payments must be strictly in cash or cheque. Full payment for any product and/or service is required to be paid by the due date stipulated in the online registration form.
In the event that the Company does not receive any payment when due for whatever reason, the Company reserves the right to cancel the participant’s booking immediately, in which case the participant shall pay the relevant cancellation fees accordingly.
In the event of a cancellation of tour, the participant is required to give prior notice in writing or by email to the Company. A cancellation fee is applicable and is based on the following calculation. The Company shall not be held liable for any contingent costs incurred by the Participant arising from cancellation.
Timeline | Amount Forfeited |
Once tour confirmation email is sent | Deposit Forfeited |
39-35 days before departure date | 75% of Tour Package Price |
34-0 days and no show | 100% of Tour Package Price |
Any amendment requested by the Participant to existing booking will incur an administrative charge of $50 and additional charges levied by the airlines, hotels, or service providers concerned. Any amendment request will be subject to airlines, hotels, and service providers’ approval and conditions.
All Participants are strongly recommended to purchase a travel insurance to cover unforeseen circumstances such as trip cancellation, personal baggage loss, personal accident, injury or illness. The purchase of travel insurance is an additional cost and it is to be bore by the participant. Under no circumstance is the Company responsible for expenses of uninsured participants. Under no circumstances is the Company to be construed of as being a carrier under contract for the safe carriage of any passenger and/or his/her baggage and belongings.
Different embassies and consulates require varying lengths of time to process visa applications. The Company renders assistance in Visa application wherever possible. The Company cannot, however, guarantee the approval of such visa application. This service is subject to (auxiliary) charges.
If, for any reason, application for Visa or exit permit is rejected, the relevant cancellation fee as stated under the section “Cancellation by Participant”, and/or in the addendums to the terms and conditions, if any, will apply.
The Company will not be responsible for any expense, reimbursement or refund of the trip fare if the Participant is deported or refused entry by immigration authorities on the trip for whatever reasons, including improper travel documents, quarantine, custom regulations, and possession of unlawful items or irregularities that may cause harm/damage to person or property.
Any extension or deviation of stay may be permitted at the end of the tour. This is subjected to maximum validity and restrictions of air tickets, seat confirmation and availability of hotel prior to commencement of tour. It is the Participant’s responsibility to hold firm confirmation for their return flight.
When extension or deviation cannot be confirmed three weeks prior to group departure date, Participant is deemed to remain with the original tour schedules.
Extension of stay or deviation will be at Participant’s own expense and transfers to or from the airport will not be provided.
Where the Company has not been negligent nor in breach of any duty, it assumes no responsibility for injury, damage, accident, loss, delay or irregularities that may be caused to person or property where such occur as a result of circumstances beyond its control.
The Company does not accept any liability, whether negligent or otherwise, of those service providers for and during the trip but will render assistance wherever possible. The Company also will not be responsible or liable (for damages, refunds or otherwise) for: mechanical breakdown, government actions, weather, acts of God, strikes, compulsory quarantine, or other circumstances beyond its control.
The Company reserves rights to alter routes, timetables, itineraries, and accommodation reserved if this is so necessary or in the case of force majeure and to cancel any tour prior to departure for any reason including insufficient number of passengers.
The Company will as far as possible try to notify the client 14 days prior to departure in the case of cancellation due to insufficient numbers or as early as possible if cancellation is due to other factors.
The Company reserves the right to cancel or withdraw any bookings made for a Participant or decline to accept or retain any person as a Participant of the trip due to the following circumstances.
(1) Failure of Participant to obtain required documentation (eg. Health certifications, visas, passports, etc.)
(2) Failure of Participant to follow reasonable instructions including but not limited to check-in and check-out places and times.
(3) When it appears to the Company, the Participant is likely to endanger the health or safety of the rest of the Participants.
In any of the foregoing events, the Company’s sole liability shall be to refund to the client any monies paid less the amounts for service utilized, administration and cancellation fees.
The Company respects your privacy and will make the necessary security arrangements to safeguard your personal information. It is the Company’s practice not to ask for information unless the Company needs and/or intends to use it. The primary purpose for collecting your personal information is to provide and deliver our products and services to you; improving our service and to conduct research and analysis and advertising and marketing our products and services (“the purposes”).
The type of personal information that the Company collects includes but is not limited to; your name, home and email addresses, home/office and mobile numbers; date of birth; gender, passport number and details, marital status, occupation, nationality, and other information necessary to fulfil specific travel and tour related purposes (such as booking air tickets and accommodations, visa application, emergency contact purposes etc.)
When you provide the Company with personal information for the purpose of receiving any form of assistance from the Company, the Company will collect, use and/or disclose such personal information solely to facilitate providing such assistance. Personal data collected will not be given to third parties unless it is necessary to fulfil the purposes set out herein (eg. to share your information with vendors like hotels, airlines, land operators etc.) The Company will within its means to ensure that these third parties are also under similar obligations to protect your personal information.
The Company may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. This Privacy Policy is not intended to, nor does it create, any contractual rights whatsoever or any other legal rights, nor does it create any obligations on the Company in respect of any other party or on behalf of any party.
The Company will only conduct water baptism upon request by the Pastor or Ministry leader who is leading the tour group for their church.
The Company will not accept any registration for twin sharing if the couple is unmarried.
All claims against The Company must be made in writing within 14 days from the date of return to Singapore for the company’s investigation. No responsibility is accepted in respect of any complaint and/or claim not so made.
The Company reserves the right to change, amend, insert, or delete any of the Terms and Conditions, or polices contained in this document, as the case may be, without prior notice.
These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with Singapore law, and each of the parties submits itself to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Singapore.
Please read the following FAQ.
A.General information about IBEx
1. IBEx is a licensed travel agent with Singapore Tourism Board (TA no. 02822).
2. Office address: International Bible Experiences (Main Office): 7 Armenian Street, #B2-02, Singapore 179932.
3. Operating hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm (Closed on weekends and Public Holidays).
4. General enquiry: Call 6304 3762 or Email info@ibex.sg
B. Bookings and Payments
1. How do I book a tour package?
Visit our website www.ibex.sg to select your choice of tour and register online. After registration, mail the cheque deposit to IBEx’s office (Refer to A2). Please ensure your passport has at least 7 months’ validity from the date of departure.
2. Amendments to booking
If you want to make changes after the online registration closes, there is an IBEx amendment fee of $50 and, in addition, the airline and land operators’ amendment charges will apply where applicable. For cancellation of tour, refer to D.
3. Modes of Payment
We accept the following
i. Cash: Please pay in person at IBEx’s office (Refer to A2.)
ii. Cheque: Crossed and made payable to ‘IBEX’ as indicated in the booking form. Please indicate participant’s name, contact no, tour destination and tour dates on the back of the cheque.
iii. ATM, Bank transfer or PayNow: Please contact us for the bank details or UEN Number.
C. Accommodation
1. What is the hotel standard for the tours?
Generally, we will provide 3-5 star hotel accommodation. This will be indicated in the tour itinerary.
2. What type of room options is available?
The tour cost displayed is based on twin sharing. For single room, there will be a supplementary cost. For triple sharing room, the tour cost for each participant remains the same for twin sharing. There is no reduced cost for triple sharing.
D. Cancellation and Refund
1. What happens when I cancel the tour?
You are required to inform IBEx on your cancellation via email or writing. A cancellation fee will be imposed on the participant. Refer to the terms and conditions for the cancellation charges.
Timeline | Amount Forfeited |
Once tour confirmation email is sent | Deposit Forfeited |
39-35 days | 75% of Tour Package Price |
34-0 days and no show | 100% of Tour Package Price |
2. What happens to my tour deposit if the tour fails to materialise?
Upon the closing of registration, if a tour fails to materialize, the deposit will be returned to participants.
E. Visa
1. Do I need a visa?
Refer to the table below to check if you require a visa to your tour destination. We will assist in visa application wherever possible; however, there will be extra charges. For overseas participants joining our tours, you are required to apply for your own visas at the nearest embassy to you. If your country is not listed in the table, please check with the embassy if you are required to apply for a visa.
Who requires Visa?
Indonesia, Malaysia
Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar
Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
Note: Correct as at 1st February 2016
F. Others
1. Can I extend the tour?
Participants who are interested to extend the tour are required to purchase their own air tickets (same departure flight to tour destination). They are only permitted to extend after the end of the tour.
2. Travel insurance
Participants are strongly encouraged to purchase their own travel insurance so as to cover any unforeseen circumstances for their tour.
3. Terms and conditions
The full terms and conditions are available on IBEx’s website.
Israel Visa
Please note that Singaporean Citizens do not require a visa for tourist entry into Israel.
If a visa is required, please apply for one on your own. Kindly contact your nearest Israel embassy for more information on visa application.
Embassy of Israel in Singapore
24 Stevens Close
Singapore 257964
Tel: +65 6834 9254 (phone operating hours: 1.00pm - 4.00pm)
Tel: +65 6834 9201 (phone operating hours: 1.00pm - 4.00pm)
Email: consular@singapore.mfa.gov.il
(Please Note: Email correspondence will be promptly answered. Phone calls will not be answered during the consular working hours)
For more information regarding Visa and Consular information, please click HERE.